November mood
Image credit: Maksim Goncharenok

November 2022

Winter is coming, and I need to wear all the scarves! Brrr! Planes, trains, and automobiles from Greensboro to New Orleans and on to L.A.

Here is November:

  • Train travel — three and a half days on Amtrak trains. It was a crazy idea, but I’m glad I did it. Not eager to do this again anytime soon, though.
  • Thanksgiving — too much food, and everybody is at home … yay! 🤗
  • Travel for work — a trip to the Atlanta office to sit in a million meetings. One more work trip in 2022, and then we’re done for a while … I hope.
  • Catching first cold of the season — coughing, sneezing, fever … ugh! 🤧

Short version: November — Trains, planes, automobiles. Work, work, work. Thanksgiving. More work. Catching a cold because it’s cold.