January mood.
Image credit: Anna Kóró

January 2023

We are starting the new year with a crazy busy work schedule. The weekends are spent in coffee shops and house hunting. The house-hunting part of the weekends begins with a brunch making the process more tolerable. Of course, it’s January and the the weather is cold an dreary and it’s not exactly prime real estate selling season 😑

Brrr … here’s January:

  • Work, work, and more work — crazy busy time at work … I think I’m already ready for some vacation again 😏
  • House hunting — spending lots of time scrolling through Zillow listings. Unfortunately, we’ll probably keep looking for a while as there seem to be very few homes available that we can afford and also like.
  • Coffee shops and bookstores — going to coffee shops and bookstores several times each week now, usually early in the morning before work and, of course, on weekends. I think I’m making up for lost time, or maybe I’m desperate to get out of the house after spending so many hours every day in my home office.

Short version: January — new year, long work days, and house hunting on weekends. Trying to find some ‘me-time’ in coffee shops and bookstores.