January mood
Image credit: Mikhail Nilov

January 2022

We are starting the new year with a new job and snow storm. There’s a lot to learn for work and a ton of unfinished side projects waiting for some attention. Being an eternal optimist, I, of course, assume that I will be able to get everything done, even though history has shown that is never the case. Oh well, maybe this year will be different 😏

Brrr … here’s January:

  • Snow storms — snow and ice in January? Who would have thunk it? 😏
  • Adventures in landscaping — well, I blame the weather for the slow progress. I was totally ready to work had it not snowed on those weekends … just sayin’ 😜
  • New gig and new work projects — lots of new stuff at work. It’ll take some time to get my bearings, but so far, so good.

Short version: January — new year, new job, snow, and ice. Lots of new stuff to learn and new projects to dig into at work.