Welcome To Crazy Town
Where to begin? Well, this project, or rather this project of projects, is the logical continuation of many ideas, half-finished and barely started projects, and a few failed attempts and false starts. The restless tinkerer in me has accumulated a lot of electronics, computers, books, domains, virtual servers, developer tools, and just stuff (including a drone!).
Then there are laser levels, drills, saws, shovels, rakes, and more stuff in the shed and garage. Sure, it didn’t happen overnight. But here I am now with all these things and dreams of building this or learning that.
So, what happened? Life happened. Work happened. Travel (mostly for work and, obviously, pre-Covid) happened. And it’s not like I didn’t try to work on these projects. I spent quite a bit of time with various endeavors. But it was admittedly haphazard, poorly planned (if at all), and I couldn’t find enough larger blocks of time that some of the projects required.
The solution: organize the chaos! And, yes, I also had to fix my crazy work and travel schedule. Actually, Covid “fixed” the travel schedule. But I also started to organize all these projects into smaller better-planned segments that are more compatible with my work and (soon-to-start-again-yet-less-crazy) travel schedule, and I’m now (more able) to work on all this stuff without getting frustrated. And, more importantly (at least for my ego), I’m making progress!
So, coming full circle, the purpose of this blog is to document my ideas, my (mis-) adventures, successes, and failures (from which I hope to learn a lot!). In fact, the blog itself is a project in this collection of projects.
It’s a crazy long list. Some projects are admittedly very ambitious, while others are just small appetizers. Some require longer segments of time, while others can be done in small chunks here and there.
So … welcome to “Crazy Town” and all my crazy projects 🤡