Toy robot
Image credit: Hunter Haley

The "Crazy Projects" List

This is my ever-growing list of future projects — a bucket list, if you will. Or rather, a bucket list of bucket lists. 😉

Like so many other nerds, I have my “squirrel” moments when I see that next shiny thing, and I must have it. That new technology that I must try. That new idea that I must work on now! That new piece of hardware that I must incorporate in some Rube Goldberg contraption.

This is a list of scribbles and notes and ideas and dreams and projects, most of which will never see the light of day. But that’s ok. There will always be more 🤓

The list as of January 2, 2022 and in absolutely no particular order:

  • OpenCV and PyTorch — I have the cameras, the extra Raspberry PIs, and am ready to go … when I have time … one day soon.

  • CircuitPython — I thought that I should try this on a “bare metal” Raspberry PI. I have several older RPI 3’s lying around and was going to try them first before I dive in and get a few proper micro-controllers.

  • htmx — this looks really cool, and I just have to build something with it.

  • Svelte — I have heard so much about this Javascript framework … so yes, it’s definitely on the list!

  • FastAPI — this is part of my Python learning path. I have already experimented with Flask and now want to give this a try.

  • Typer — I love CLI apps and have already played quite a bit with argparse and Click.

  • Textual — this will take my terminal apps to the next level! And yes, I’m already using Rich in almost all projects 😎

  • Forth on Rasberry Pi — this is a truly crazy idea and is unlikely to ever happen … but you never know 😉