November mood
Image credit: Niki Clark

November 2023

Late Fall. Cooler mornings. Scarf season is here. Final stretch of the year. I’m working on my (insane) f451 Labs project, and I’ll write more about that separately. Still, the summary is: achieve world domination with a bunch of Raspberry PIs, Arduinos, and other micro-controllers. Actually, this is really about me trying to learn how to build a bunch of (small) more hardware-based projects, and it’s a lot of fun.

Without further ado, here’s November:

  • Library time — I have mentioned this before: I love sitting at the Durham Main Library. It’s such a great place to sit and work. Sure, I could work from home, but I’m already in that office a gazillion hours every day of the week. So, sitting at the library is a welcome change of pace and, most importantly, a change of milieu. And yes, working in a library makes one use fancy words 🤪
  • Coffee shop time — I’ve made it a mission to visit all coffee shops in Durham, Raleigh, and in between. There are surprisingly many of them, even when not counting all the Starbucks stores.
  • Gym rat — I don’t know how this happened, but I’m going to the gym many times per week now. And while I don’t love it (yet), I’m also not hating it, which is a bit surprising. Hmm … a new, healthier me? 💪
  • Thanksgiving — this is my favorite holiday! Food. More food. And then dessert! 🦃

Short version: November — Proper Fall weather. Thanksgiving (yay!) and then atonement at the gym. Coffee shops. Lots of tinkering on crazy projects 🤖