Person with headset waiting
Image credit: Max Wolfs

Bringing My Bubble Wherever I Go

Noise-canceling headphones are a true godsend! I can now bring my “quiet bubble” wherever I go.

I travel a lot and spend lots of time in noisy public areas. Airports, airplanes, coffee shops, open offices — noise and more noise wherever I go. Some places are incredibly loud and I don’t understand how people can work there.

All this noise adds stress and it’s so difficult to think and focus, or to relax and zone out. But now I can tune out the world! Or at least dial it down a notch or two or ten. I like peace and quiet. It’s nice. Soooooo nice!

With headphones on I can drown out the world around me. And, more importantly, I can shape my “bubble” with music, podcasts, white noise, or just silence.

The world is too loud! Maybe it’s age. Maybe it’s fatigue. Maybe it’s stress. In later years I have noticed that I value silence more and more. I used to always listen to music when I wanted to focus or zone out or relax or do nothing. But these days I prefer silence, especially when I need to focus.