Projects — Bang bang ... brrr ... beep boop

Open laptop showing graphs and charts

Lots of Data

So much data everywhere. So much noise! How do I find what I’m looking for? How can I collect what I need quickly and efficiently? Most importantly, how can I make sense of it all?

Wall thermostat

DIY Home Automation

Being a nerd, I view my house as being a machine. In fact, it’s a rather complex machine with all kinds of inter-dependent sub-systems and external connections and dependencies. And since it is …

Rows of vegetables in a garden

No Green Thumbs

Confession: I love to build things, especially things that involve larger tools such as shovels and saws and hammers and drills and lumber and stuff. So for me, garden projects are always interesting …

Box of crayons

Welcome To Crazy Town

Where to begin? Well, this project, or rather this project of projects, is the logical continuation of many ideas, half-finished and barely started projects, and a few failed attempts and false …