Image credit: Lukas Lada
November 2020
Even more work. Election craze is boiling over and won’t go away! Thanksgiving came and went. Taking days off here and there. Days are much shorter. 😐
So, here is November:
- Election — I’m so glad it’s over. Of course, this year it doesn’t seem to be over, but it’s dragging on. 😐
- Thanksgiving — It was just us, and way too much (and great) food! 🙂
- Exercise — I’m getting addicted. And yes, I’ll need to keep this up given how much food we’re about to eat over the next few months. 🙂
- Leaves — We have a lot of trees in our yard … and now we have tons of leaves on the ground. Tons! But it seems half are still on the trees. How is that possible? How much more is there? … ugh! 😐
- More COVID — This is getting worse … as predicted. 😞
Short version: November — election craze (somewhat behind us), holiday season kicking off, trying to squeeze in vacation days, so much work, even shorter days.