Image credit: Glen Carrie
May 2020
Oh my, oh May:
- Totally working from home — We’re getting into our various routines. School work. Endless conference calls. Video calls. Email. Skype. IM. Text. MS Team. Slack. Endless. Longer days. More ever-longer days.
- Canceled trip to Europe — Yup … that trip is not going to happen. 😢
- All days are the same — It’s strange, but all days seem to float together. Sure, there are no meetings on weekends, but that’s almost the only difference.
- Masks — We finally got the masks that we had ordered. Now we have masks in the cars and on us when we’re in stores, and so on. This year is turning out to be really crazy!
- George Floyd — Mr. Floyd was killed by police in Minneapolis on May 25.
So, that was May — every day is the same … protests spread nationwide … and there’s still COVID!