March mood

March 2022

Spring is in the air, and it’s now two years since I traveled for work. And yes, it feels like it’s been more than two years. So many things have changed in those two years.

Ides of March:

  • Spring is in the air, and a tree is on my deck — neighbor had a tree cut down, and the crew didn’t pay attention, and a tree fell in the wrong direction and crushed my deck 😱
  • Adventures in landscaping — building raised beds and compost heaps and and and. However, the front patio is still a “work in progress.”
  • Teenager with newly minted driver license — the teenager in the house passed yet another hurdle toward adulthood 🙌

Short version: March — spring is in the air, and a tree is on my deck. It’s two years of not traveling and working from home.