Image credit: Karolina Grabowska
July 2022
It’s summer in North Carolina, and it’s getting really hot and humid again. There are lots of changes happening.
Here’s July:
- 4th of July — yes! 😊
- Painted the house — this has been in the works for so long, but to color scheme is perfect!
- Completely “rebuilt” home office — I put in new standing desks and removed all my Lego. This is a huge change as I’m no longer an AFOL (I will write more about that later).
- Another business trip to Atlanta — there will be more business travel, but it won’t be anywhere nearly as frequent as before COVID. However, I am planning more vacation travel 😊
- Canceled a trip to San Francisco due to the flu — yup, the flu got me good, and I had to cancel this trip 😞
- Still no deck — the usual “supply chain” BS story is starting to wear thin 😞
Short version: July — 4th of July, and hot and humid summer weather. Repainted house, more business travel, a bad case of the flu, a new home office, and no more AFOL.