Sleeping Koala bear
Image credit: Cris Saur

Ode to Napping

I love napping. A short nap in the afternoon. Or that nap on a lazy weekend. Especially that quick 15 to 20-minute nap on a stressful Tuesday.

It’s interesting that I often feel more refreshed after a short nap than after a night’s sleep. Of course, I may just be imagining this. But the fact remains, a quick nap can have a fantastic effect. The point, though, is to take a short nap. I have found that if I nap for more than 30 minutes, I’ll instead feel groggy and even more tired than before.

The exact cut-off point is likely to vary between individuals. But there is definitely a point after which a nap has the opposite effect. And quite a few conversations with friends, lots of experimenting on my own — yes, I think I’m a professional napper! — and cursory research on the Interwebs seem to confirm this.

Now … please! … let me close my eyes for a quick 15 minutes, and my brain will be clear, and I’ll be ready to take on the next world crisis! Ok, that may have been an exaggeration — I’d probably need another cup of coffee as well for that 😉