April mood
Image credit: Soo B

April 2022

Spring is here! Yay! My various farming … err … gardening projects are coming along. I’ve probably overdone it … again. The old (and totally crushed deck) will be torn down soon. And work is just that: work.

A “no fool’s” April:

  • Spring is here, and everything is growing — except the things I planted. Maybe I should just grow weeds instead 😏
  • More adventures in landscaping — the raised beds are finished, and the area around them is also coming along. And I hit my finger with a mallet, and that really hurt! I do not recommend that experience.😭
  • Renewing TSA precheck — because we’ll definitely travel again in 2022!

Short version: April — spring is here! Everything is growing like crazy (except my new vegetables and berry bushes). And we’re planning some travel adventures for 2022.